《全能狗主速成班》/《全能貓奴速成班》Powered by SPCA 條款及細則
Terms & Conditions for "A-Z" Dog/ Cat Care Takeaway – Powered by SPCA
Last Updated on Sep 22nd, 2020
當閣下購買《全能狗主速成班》/《全能貓奴速成班》 Powered by SPCA網上課程並完成支付有關費用成為學員,即閣下已同意愛護動物協會以下的條款及細則。
1. 學員可在未來六個月內 (以 SPCA (HK) 課程訂閱確認電郵發出後開始計算) 無限閱覽教學影片及課程筆記;
2. <<全能狗主速成班>>學員亦可獲贈【寵物急救包及狗狗急救101手冊】一套;
3. 學員將被邀請加入課程專屬社交群組,讓你可隨時向動物專家提問及參與更多照顧寵物心得及資訊
4. 學員的登入帳戶只限學員個人使用,不能與他人共享;
5. 所有影片、課程筆記及狗狗急救101手冊均屬愛護動物協會所擁有。其他任何未獲授權下使用此網站及其內容而侵犯本會的知識產權,本會可採取適當的法律行動;
6. 網上課程提供的資訊只供參考之用,如有需要請另行咨詢你的獸醫、寵物美容師及行為訓練師;
7. 本會保留修改服務內容或終止服務 (全部或部份服務) 而不作另行通知;
8. 担保賠償要求 - 學員同意對協會和我們的母公司,子公司,關聯公司,合作夥伴,高級職員,董事,代理商,承包商,許可人,服務提供商,分包商,供應商,實習生和員工给與保護,辯護並使其免受損害,或任何第三方因您違反本服務條款或它們通過引用併入的文件或由於您違反任何法律或第三方權利而引起的或由第三方提出的要求,包括合理的律師費,不受任何索賠, 並使其不受損害
9. 閣下購買<<全能狗主速成班>> Powered by SPCA 讓我們可以伸出援手幫助更多有需要的動物

By subscribing to the "A-Z" Dog / Cat Care Takeaway– Powered by SPCA you have agreed to abide by the following Terms & Conditions set out by the SPCA (HK): 
1. You will have unlimited access to videos and course handouts for a period of SIX months upon subscription confirmation email sent by SPCA (HK);
2. A-Z" Dog Care Takeaway students will receive a First Aid Kit Set and a Canine First Aid Handbook free of charge 
3. You will be invited to join the SPCA Social Media Community (exclusive for Online Courses participants) allowing you to raise questions directly to animal care experts and receive regular updates on pet care news;
4. Your account is limited to your personal use and shall not be shared with others;
5. All videos, Handouts and the Canine First Aid Handbook remain SPCA (HK)’s property. You are prohibited to use this site or its content and infringe our intellectual property rights. Any unauthorized use of these materials in part or in full may be liable to legal actions;
6. All information provided in the training videos are for your reference only, and you are advised to consult with your veterinary surgeon, groomer and dog trainer as appropriate;
7. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue the service (in part or in full) without further notice;
8. Indemnification - You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Society and our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, officers, directors, agents, contractors, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, suppliers, interns and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third-party due to or arising out of your breach of these Terms of Service or the documents they incorporate by reference, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third-party;
9. Your enrollment to our SPCA Online Courses will help us reach out to help more animals in need

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